Comic Book Sneakers

Comic Book Sneakers


Posted on October 6th, 2012 in Craft Attitude, Crafts. One Comment.

I discovered the wonders of Kodak Shoe Art Film aka Shoe Attitude at the CHA 2012 Anaheim Show, and became an instant fan. In fact, I was such a fan that I’ve become a designer and spokesperson for the company, using the shoe art film to make all kinds of things that have nothing to do with shoes. Yes, the product is that versatile. I still love decorating shoes, though, and here are one of the favorites I’ve made. I found vintage public domain comic books online and printed them on the film, and then applied the film to my Converse All-Stars. I guess you can say, this is how I get my “kicks.” Check out the video below for my scintillating how-to video.


Converse sneakers and Shoe Attitude

Converse sneakers and Shoe Attitude

Comic book shoes

These shoes are too cool.

One Comment

  1. Diana says:

    Very cool!