My friends at Disney asked me to create 10 different DIY backpack makeovers for 10 different types of students: the cheerleader, the athlete, the brainiac, the gleek, etc. I have…
My friends at Disney asked me to create 10 different DIY backpack makeovers for 10 different types of students: the cheerleader, the athlete, the brainiac, the gleek, etc. I have…
I was very honored that the powers that be at eHow personally asked me to write DIY articles for them. The first topic was easy hostess gifts, a subject I…
I discovered the wonders of Kodak Shoe Art Film aka Shoe Attitude at the CHA 2012 Anaheim Show, and became an instant fan. In fact, I was such a fan…
I recently shot a video series for eHow, and the first few episodes are on pumpkin carving. These videos are just gorgeously shot, and the one on carving with a…
For Halloween, the good folks at Disney asked me to create 10 DIY Halloween decorating ideas for their new website spoonful.com. Here are just some of the wacky ideas. For…
I’ve made about a gazillion towel cupcakes ever since I first filmed my towel cupcake video, and now I’ve started using other materials to make the cupcakes. Recently I was…