DIY Jewelry Rack: Mother’s Day Blog Hop for Craft Attitude


Posted on April 29th, 2014 in Craft Attitude, Crafts. 7 Comments.

Mothers are so hard to shop for. They have everything they want. The only thing they need is for you to call home more often. Actually, for my mother, her gift of choice is cash. She’ll take a few benjamins over flowers or gifts any day. So my Mother’s Day project for the Craft Attitude blog hop is for all the other mothers out there – biological moms, adoptive moms, moms to be, moms to dogs, moms in spirit, Vicki Lawrence from “Mama’s Family,” the moms from the “Mamas and the Papas,” Mother Teresa, Mama Rose, the Dalai Mama – well, you get the picture.

Speaking of picture, let’s get to my project. I made a DIY jewelry rack out of a picture frame, a blank stretched canvas, assorted cabinet knobs, and of course, Craft Attitude printable film. I came up with the line, “Mothers are jewels of the heart” because, well, they are.jewelry_hero2

STEP 1: First, I came up with the design on Photoshop. Because the canvas was 11×14, which is bigger than the 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of Craft Attitude, I decided to do the design in sections. So the blue diamond border is actually in 4 different sections, and the middle part with the quote is a separate section. I printed my design with my inkjet printer on three sheets of Craft Attitude film.

STEP 2: I decided where the cabinet knobs would go, and drilled holes in the back of the frame, through the wood and through the canvas in front. I started in the back because I wanted to make sure I was drilling through wood.

jewelry2STEP 3: Start with the border pieces. Trim them out, and spray some spray adhesive on the ink side of the Craft Attitude, leaving the protective backing on for now. Then place the border pieces ink side down on the canvas, burnish with your fingers, and peel off the protective backing. Since I was piecing together 4 sections to make up the border, they didn’t match up exactly, but that’s okay. Mothers do not expect perfection. Okay, mine did when it came to my school grades, but that’s another story. For my therapist.jewelry3

STEP 4: Now trim the middle section with the saying on it, spray some adhesive on the ink side, and place it face down in the middle of the canvas. Burnish with your fingers and peel off the protective backing. Very important here: because there is writing involved, I printed my image in reverse because the image is flipped over when applied.jewelry4

STEP 5: Lo and behold, you have applied the Craft Attitude film on top of the holes you previously drilled through the canvas, so just take a hobby knife and poke holes in the Craft Attitude where the holes are.jewelry5

STEP 7: Then it’s time for my favorite part – screwing the cabinet knobs through the holes. This is what the back of the canvas looks like with all the screws.jewelry6

STEP 8: Finally, attach the canvas to an open backed frame. I glued the canvas to the frame with Quick Grip from Beacon Adhesives.jewelry7

And that, my sweet fortune cookies, is a perfect Mother’s Day gift that will make all your siblings jealous and put you at the top of the will. Ah, good times.

jewelry_heroDisclosure: I am a designer/spokesperson for Craft Attitude, and the links on this post are affiliate links. However, my enthusiasm for the product is genuine and cannot be bought. I am a Craft Attitude devotee and would use this stuff anyway. And my mother would not let me lie.


  1. What a terrific idea – I love using cabinet and doorknobs in projects – and this is another great way to do that.
    and what a fun way to end this week of blog hopping!

  2. Heather Thompson says:

    Very awesome Idea. I love the colors on this project, Any mother would love this. Great project!!

  3. Lyneen says:


  4. Jean Moore says:

    Lovely project applicable for so many purposes! GREAT IDEA! Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a great Idea! A perfect gift for any mother, I know I would love one (-; Love the different knobs and handles that you used, the colors, and especially the beautiful words “Mother’s are jewels of the Heart”. I ran across your link at HomeTalk, and was wondering if It would be alright if I shared a short post with your picture with a link back to your tutorial, and another link to your home page on by blog.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful tutorial, hope to hear from you soon and hope you have a wonderful week.


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