Personalized Chocolate Bar Wrappers using Craft Attitude


Posted on February 6th, 2013 in Craft Attitude, Crafts, Entertaining. 4 Comments.

Chocolate is one of my favorite gifts to give and receive. (Especially dark chocolate, hint hint.) And now I can take my chocolate gifts to a whole new level by creating custom, personalized foil wrappers, thanks to Craft Attitude. What a great idea for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or any occasion. I love the idea of wrapping candy in foil because the shiny texture makes the gift so special, but I could never print on foil paper or run it through my home printer. Well, problem solved with Craft Attitude, because now I can print whatever message I want on the Craft Attitude film and then apply it to the foil. It looks like I printed right on it. Sweet idea, indeed.

personalized chocolate wrapper with craft attitude

What you’ll need:

Chocolate bars

Foil wrapping paper, or other decorative paper

Craft attitude film

Parchment paper

Heat laminator

Glue stick


Step 1: First we need to create a template. Take a plain white piece of paper and wrap it around the chocolate bar. Cut it the the width of the chocolate bar, leaving about a quarter inch of the chocolate bar exposed on either side.

chocolate wrapper template

Step 2: With the paper wrapped around the chocolate, press your fingers along the edges to mark where creases are; mark these creases with a black marker on the piece of paper. Measure the dimensions of the paper and the distances of the markings. I also indicated the “front” and “back” of the wrapper, and the direction they faced. You have a template!

chocolate wrapper template


Step 3: On the computer, follow the dimensions of the template to create your wrapper design. I used Photoshop, but it would work on MS Word as well. If you don’t want to design a wrapper on the computer, you can draw one and then scan it.  Also, I put a message on the front, on the back, and even on the sides. You don’t have to! Just a message on the front would be enough, but I am an overachiever raised by a tiger mom. Here is what my wrapper looked like.  Notice I put a box around it, which will help when I cut it.

chocolate wrapper templateStep 4: Print the design on a sheet of Craft Attitude film. Remember to FLIP THE DESIGN before you print, so it’s backwards. Peel off the Craft Attitude film from its protective backing, and position it ink side down on the piece of foil wrapping paper. I bought this wrapping paper at Papyrus. (Cut the foil paper so it’s a little larger than the film.) Then place the Craft Attitude film and foil paper in a folded piece of parchment, and run it through a heat laminator. No adhesive is required. The heat laminator bonds the Craft Attitude film to the foil so it looks like the image is printed right on it. If you don’t have a heat laminator, you can use a spray adhesive.

chocolate wrapper laminator

Step 5: Trim along the outline of the wrapper. (Aren’t you glad we included that outline to begin with?) Look at that! Instant personalized chocolate bar wrapper. On fancy foil paper, no less.

trimming chocolate wrapper

Step 6: Wrap it around the chocolate bar, and seal it closed with a glue stick.

gluing chocolate wrapper


Now get ready for some kisses. (The good kind.)

personalized chocolate wrappers





  1. Sonya says:

    Love the craftattitude papers, they are great on so many things. This project is so sweet!!

  2. Allie Gower says:

    These would really be fabulous any time of year as greetings, thank you’s, invitations, etc. Thanks for sharing another awesome tutorial.

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