doggy backpack

DIY Doggie Backpack


Posted on June 24th, 2018 in Crafts. 2 Comments.

I’ve been taking the dogs to the office the last few weeks, so I thought they might need a backpack to carry supplies like treats and poop bags. Well, Fosse is such a froufrou dog that she doesn’t like to carry anything put pearls, so I made a backpack for Gershwin using the Sizzix Wrapped Journal die from my craft wife Eileen Hull.  backpack

It’s pretty handy, with working pockets and a velcro closure. bag

To make it, I started out by cutting some Kunin felt with the wraparound journal die. felt

Then I folded it into thirds and sewed the sides to make a pocket and added some velcro tabs. The wrap journal die cuts holes to help with binding. I left these holes rather than covering them up because I liked the detail. velcro

I made two of them, and glued a felt bone on the front flaps. The bone also helped to cover up the stitching from the velcro underneath. I then measured a strap that would fit around Gershwin’s chest and sewed the two backpacks on the strap. (Gershwin modeled for me as I was making it so I got the measurements right. He was very cooperative and curious.) I also sewed velcro tabs to the strap.strap

I decided to sew on a chest and neck strap to keep the main strap from moving around.chest strap

Now it looks legit, and Gershwin is styling with it.doggy backpack


  1. Tracy Evans says:

    Just so adorable and what a fantastic use of the Die. Tracy ❤️

  2. Eileen hull says:

    I think Michelle is right 🐶 Pet craft book ❤️ This is amazing!

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