One of the things that makes me happiest is when I get an e-mail from someone saying 1) they loved one of the projects from my website, 2) they tried it themselves, and 3) they send me photos of their completed project. I recently heard from the delightful Melissa Fears-Henley, who was inspired to decoupage her wood laminate cabinets after seeing my Warhol kitchen. I love how Melissa took my idea and gave it her own spin to reflect her own personality and design aesthetic. It makes me all verklempt.

These are awesome! What a great idea. I’d love to give this a try. What kind of medium did you use? Modge Podge or Acrylic Medium (expensive!). Terrific job!
Thanks! I use plain white Elmer’s glue to adhere the poster, and then seal it with acrylic polyurethane (Benjamin Moore Stays Clear low lustre brand). It’s the same process that I show on my decoupage chair video.
I love these goddesses! where did you get the Goddess posters? Thanks!
This is awesome! i may try this in my plain, builder grade bathroom